Keeping the Peace (Aspen Valley Stables, book 1) ~ Hannah Hooton

"London waitress, Pippa Taylor has no interest in horses or country-living. But when she inherits Peace Offering, a hopeless racehorse, she embarks on a career change in order to see her late uncle’s wish to run him in the Grand National come true.

But having talked her way into a job as racing secretary to champion National Hunt trainer, Jack Carmichael and moved to the West Country, Pippa finds herself faced with more daunting obstacles than even the Grand National can throw at her.

Most take the form of Jack, her moody boss. Although easy on the eye, he's certainly not easy on the ear. And after a Christmas they would both rather forget, danger and deception threaten Pippa’s life in the country. As her time at Aspen Valley Racing Stables draws to its conclusion she discovers Peace Offering is not the only thing she  must fight to keep." ~Hannah Hooton's website

Brittney Joy's Review ~ Pippa, the London waitress turned (inherited) racehorse owner, quickly became one of my favorite protagonists! She's a cheery ray of sunshine who's not afraid to lay down a four letter word...when absolutely called for. Author Hannah Hooton created a character that I wanted to hang out with - Pippa (and her wonderfully naughty bestie Tash!) are my kind of girls. 

As the story played out, I found myself rooting for Pippa and her long-shot race horse, Peace Offering, to win the Grand National - a gritty British steeplechase that sounds scary as all heck! "Helping" Pippa along the way is Peace Offering's grouchy but attentive trainer, Jack. There were a few times I wanted to shake Jack to alert him of his unnecessary grouchiness, but the contrast between Pippa and Jack made for some great banter.

The only negative was that I wish there were more horse scenes and that Peace Offering was a bit more "fleshed out" as a character. However, the sequel (Giving Chase, Aspen Valley book 2) revolves around a new protagonist ... a female JOCKEY at Aspen Valley Stables! Book 2 is bound to have more horse scenes and I'm looking forward to reading it!

**Note: Contains a few mature scenes suited for those that consider themselves an "adult."